Ever see luxury items and wonder where to find the best deals? Look no further, “The RealReal” retail company offers luxury consignment items at an affordable price. If your curious about the company their Instagram is the first stop. Their Instagram offers a direct link to their website, ways to contact, and informational videos.
Underneath their contact information, you’re able to find video clips on the following: sneakers, sustainability, consignment, authenticity, their experts, LA store, and SoHO store.
The videos are short, direct, and informational. The authenticity clips help you tell the difference between real and fake. If you’d like more information some of the clips offer more information by swiping up to be directly taken to readings from experts.
If you are new to consignment shopping click on the consignment videos you will get the ins and outs of why certain items are priced, how items are picked, and the information comes from their lovely experts. This section also offers options to click up on some of the videos for more information.
Next, you have pictures of beautiful items that catch your eyes. When you scroll through and click on a picture there is a brief information of the item and where you can find similar ones on their site. If you look at items under the section that has where the little bag is you can go directly to items on their website to browse. The picture quality on The RealReal is wonderful quality and very eye-catching. You won’t scroll through without going to their website to browse some more. The RealReal Instagram is your place to go for style inspiration and the latest information on consignment shopping luxury styles.