Many men are going through the same struggle right now: we’ve been sidelined from the gym for weeks. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, gyms have been forced to close their doors, leaving men everywhere to fend for themselves when it comes to workout routines. “Staying healthy without the gym may seem like a challenging undertaking, but it’s actually a lot easier than you may think” – Jean, Founder of AlignMat. Here are five simple ways you can stay healthy while gyms are closed.
- Find a home workout routine that pushes your limits
Working out at home may not seem enticing, without your usual equipment and weights. But you definitely have the power to come up with a home workout routine that has you breaking a serious sweat. Plenty of resistance exercises or calisthenics can be done with little or no equipment, right in your living room. All you need is the focus to reconfigure your exercise routine, and come up with something that challenges you, from right in your very own home.
- Once you find that routine, stick with it, no excuses
One of the challenges of pushing through a home workout is a lack of motivation. It’s easy to skip a home workout if you have other things to do around the house, and it’s also very tempting to duck out of your workout early. In order to stay healthy without the gym, make time for your home workout every day. You can mix it up, to keep yourself interested and your body challenged. But make sure you make time for your workout every day, and don’t let your exercise regime slip just because the gym is closed.
- Be mindful of what’s on your plate
It can be tempting to eat more, snack more, and choose junk foods while spending more time at home. But the truth is, what’s on your plate makes a big difference in how you feel, and in your overall health. To stay healthy without the gym, pick foods that are rich in nutrients, which fuel your body efficiently. Picking foods that are dense in vital nutrients will help you feel energized throughout your day and help you power through hardcore workouts.
- Tap into the power of supplements
When trying to stay healthy without the gym, supplements may be able to give you the key boost you’ve been missing. There are specific products designed with men’s health in mind, which can help you reach that next level in everything you do. One great supplement on the market is Test X180 Boost by Force Factor. This supplement helps boost your testosterone, energy, and even sexual vitality. Its secret to success comes from 8 key ingredients, including:
- D-Apsartic acid: an amino acid that helps produce and release hormones
- Vitamin D: Needed for optimal testosterone production
- Fenugreek: Used traditionally to boost sexual function, libido, and testosterone levels.
For more information about Force Factor, and to hear what customers think about this product, you can follow them on Instagram.
- Spend time outside
When working from home, it can be easy to spend all of your days indoors. To stay healthy without the gym, make sure you’re getting outside. You can go for walks or runs around the neighborhood, walk to the grocery store, or go for a hike. But getting outside will inherently add more movement into your day, and will help you stay active, and healthy while your gym is closed.