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Raising Children as a Single Dad

A single dad has a lot on his plate. It takes a lot of courage, patience, compassion and perseverance to get through the day. However, it is manageable and there are many successful single dads out there. Challenges of a Single Parent Without a partner, the stakes are higher as you have responsibility for all […]

Growing Older: 6 Health Considerations All Men Should Take Seriously

ADVERTORIAL Aging is an inevitable fact of life that affects both our minds and our bodies. Our skin wrinkles, our hair grays, and our thought processing changes. While these aren’t necessarily a threat to our well being, there are a number or changes that happen with our bodies when aging that could become a threat […]

Mortgage Expert Spotlight: Jacques Poujade

Mortgages are secured loans upon which people purchase houses and other forms of properties. While many Americans use mortgages to secure homes for personal use, other people apply for mortgages to buy houses that would be renovated and rented out or houses that would be sold. We spoke to Jacques Poujade, a financial expert and […]

All You Need To Know About Pod Mods

The world of vaping has progressed hugely, and it is full of innovation and wonder. As many manufacturers rule this industry, competition is fierce among them. There are different types of products found in the vaping world, starting from cheap to excessively expensive items. There is always something new to try and experiment with as […]

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